What is the function of concentrated hydrochloric acid in flame test?


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What is the function of concentrated hydrochloric acid in flame test?

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Friday 23 December 2011

After Death, Some Biochemistry

"After death we are all mere carbon and hydrogen".This time i am not with an interesting topic.. After death what happens to human body?These are the facts that an average human should know.. So shall we begin? When the heart stop beating and when lungs stop respirating we call it as death. Last week i read a love story and in that ,A boy kept on talking to his lover even after realising the fact he is now alone and his lover is no more.. SCIENCE SAYS ITS POSSIBLE. Because the first sense that is lost after demice is vision, then taste, then smell, then at last audibility.. In my inbox there's an sms its like this,"Mirror is the best friend, because when you cry it never laughs". Its true. I said so because, the enzymes that helped me to digest my food is my friend is'nt it? Ya , the same enzyme just after my death will start decomposing my body.What happen if heart stop beating..? The blood ,the postman of oxygen in human body becomes free.. Before death the blood was under the complete jurisdiction of heart..Now it is under the monarchy of gravity. Just like an apple's tendency to reach the ground, Blood flows to the lower half.. If the body is in a standing position blood flows from head to legs, if the body is lyed it flows from front portion to back portion. This why a person's face become pale after death.. This flow of blood is called lividity. Are you getting annoyed? lets discuss another topic. Athlets sometimes stop running when there is an intense pain in their muscles. What is the science behind this? A tired person will be having a lack of oxygen in blood. As soon as there is no oxygen in blood, muscles start anaerobic breething and as a biproduct of this rection lactic acid is formed, and then muscles become rigid. Thats why athlets feel pain. As soon as the lactic acid is removed by blood there is a relief to pain.. Now the same chemical reactions take place in a dead human body. Thats why a dead body becomes rigid. This effect is called rigor. This rigor,lividity etc will help detectives to determine the time of death,cause of death.. There are so many other tools for detective. And it include the analysis of quantity and form of food in intestine,liver temperature etc. After death what happens to my body temperature. It will fall till atmospheric temperature is reached. Liver is the only organ that resist to this fall of temperature.After 2 or 3 weeks body temperature start rising due to bacterial action.. Sorry sorry sorry, i cant describe the bacterial action on human body. Its really shocking and terrific. Our body after so many stages of bacterial decomposition will become a yellow pulp coverd by beetles,insects,flyes,( if not buried) etc. Atlast it will be skeletonised.. Lets stop discucussing after answering this question.. A dead body in water will float. Why? Its due to bacterial action. Due to the bacterial action so many gases including hydrogen sulphide evolved in body cavities is responsible for this floting.. Once one of my friends said that he hates chemistry only because of the smell of hydrogen sulphide.. Beware once every one will become hydrogen sulphide, carbon,hydrogen etc etc substance. What i am going to say is this body will once merge to the dust. Every one will die.. Holy Bible says man is nothing but soil.. Bhagvat Gheeta says, whoever cares for the body and giving no attention to soul are fools

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