What is the function of concentrated hydrochloric acid in flame test?


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What is the function of concentrated hydrochloric acid in flame test?

Mysterious Chemistry celebrates it first birthday on December 15, 2012

Mysterious Chemistry celebrates it first birthday on December 15, 2012

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Saturday 31 December 2011

Roll up the TV and Go,Study

Today is January first, begining of a new year. I was having an intense urge to give a good news in this new year morning. Thanks to the researchers of Stanford university.I got one. A team of researcher in stanford university developed a method to increase the conductivity of organic compound..The method is simple, they just made the packing in organic compound more tight. The Credit goes for the scientist Bao. She is an eminent chemical engineer.. But what is the use of this highly conducting organic compound. Any idea? It will accelarate the growth of flexible telivision screen.. Earlier huge bulky CRT screens dominated the market.Then came the stylish young handsome LCD screens.But its technology, nothing is stable.Before it could dominate the market LCD was replaced by LED. LED is not only handsome and stylish,but also talented and gifted..What to do? An "O" is going to be the grave yard of LED. Organic Light Emiting Diode (OLED) will be the star of future televisions.. The discovery of Stanford university chemist assure this fact.OLED screens will be flexible and can be rolled like a chart paper. "Turn off the the TV and go, study," These are the words that any student cannot tolerate..In future parents will ask their kids to roll up the tv, instead of turning off. What an idea sir g!!!

Thursday 29 December 2011

Chemistry at 2011( part 3)

We celebrated 2011 as International Year of Chemistry(IYC).We celebrated the golden jubilee of the victory of Madam Curie. While replacing the old calendar with new, those who love chemistry will feel a little bit hesitation.Because it was our year, our own year..So the person who got Nobel prize in the year of 2011 is really special, very very special, I feel proud to say that name..The great Chemist Dan shechtman..The discoverer of Quasi crystal. Shechtman was the first who proposed the existance of five fold symmetry of crystals.. "IMPOSSIBLE,RIDICULOUS," this was the opinion of whole world..Even Linus Pauling discarded this discovery..(Linus Pauling is the living genius in chemistry,who introduced the concept of hybridisation,got nobel prize twice ).What to say? Shechtman got expelled from his lab. Have you ever seen the plants of the desert.In draught, we cant even feel their presence.But when rain comes, you will be wondered.. Shechtman also did the same..He kept on doing his work.He was confident that once the whole world will approve his findings.. Sometimes after many years, world will remember 2011 as the begining of quasi crystal era..such are the wide applications of Quasi crystals.

chemistry at 2011 (part 2)

In part 1, i said about a great chemist who left us in the year of 2011. Now i shall say a story. In Indian epic Mahabharat there is a story about 101 children of a king. Now in my story there is 118 characters.They live in a large palace.You know the engineer who constructed the palace. He is Henry Moseley.He buit 118 mysterious rooms. I forget to say about the old palace.It was Mendeleev who buit that.Now coming back to Moseley's palace.As i said, it is having 118 mysterious rooms. The chemists all over the world is trying to open all the rooms. They opened all the rooms till room number 110. Yes, name of the palace is periodic table ,the holy Bible of chemists.Five new elements were discovered in the year 2011. They are Darmstadtium(Ds),Roentgenium(Rg),Copernicium(Cn),Flerovium(Fl) and Livermorium(Lv).They are having the atomic numbers 110,111,112,114 and 116 respectively.They are superheavy elements.Copernicium and Roentgenium got its name from the name of two great physicists. One of them introduced Heliocentric theory and the other discoverd X-ray..Chemists are trying hard to discover elements having atomic number 113, 115 etc.. Friends lets welcome the new elements who joined us in 2011. There are still more members to come in 2012

Happy New Year

Hai friends, how are you all? 2011 is going to have an end.. Thanks for all readers who made this blog a grand success.The growth of any blog is based on reader's suggestions, comments and complaints.. They are most welcome. You can contact me via mine mail id too. My mail id is Any successful blog needs more and more followers. friends in this blog, in the right side, you can see a link 'join this site' .IF you liked the blog Click on that link and follow this blog..HAPPY NEW YEAR.. ENJOY

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Chemistry at 2011(part 01)

It was a fine morning of December.There you can see a beutiful girl sitting near that tomb.In her white dress she was looking like an angel.Tears roll down her cheeks.She began to weep.She could'nt control her tears. Everywhere its dew but what flows from her eyes was rain.Those tears were as pure as dew drops.There you can feel a fine breeze and there is beutiful rose flower near the tomb.Neither the breeze nor the rose could'nt give her solace.I suspect whether her tears was as red as blood. The memories of her dearest and beloved teacher was roaring in her mind. William Lipscomb, he was great chemist who knows the chemistry of chemistry.One of the masters of inorganic chemistry.He was a Nobel prize laurete in chemistry for his study about the nature of chemical bond.The girl is sitting near the tomb of that great chemist.. We are now moving to this journey from 2011 to 2012 Lipscomb is not with us.. He is no more..He insisted the publication of science in an interesting manner(Friends this blog has the same motto).Once you met Lipscomb, you can never forget him.He was that much simple and humble. Was down to Earth.. Lipscomb worked with great chemist and nobel prize Laurete Linus pauling too.. Now the great loss of Chemistry in the year of 2011 is no doubt, Lipscomb.. In my attempt to publish chemistry in an interesting manner, this blog will of course a tribute to Lipscomb. (DONT HESITATE TO PUT YOUR COMMENTS,WITHOUT RAIN A GARDEN WILL BECOME A DESERT..WITHOUT YOUR COMMENTS AND SUGGESTION THIS BLOG WILL ALSO BECOME A DESERT,i will be back with chemistry at 2011 part 2)

Saturday 24 December 2011

Quote of the Day

"A tidy laboratory means a lazy chemist,"said by Berzelius It's Christumas, Happy Christumas to all...

Friday 23 December 2011

Can u give me the answers to this silly questions

Just give me the answer as comments to this post 1) Who won Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2011? 2) A great mathematician is known as the father of computational chemistry. WHO IS THAT? 3) This famous book of Robert Boyle helped chemistry to jump from Alchemy to Modern chemistry. 4) The great woman who got Nobel Prize for physics in 1903 and Chemistry in 1911 5) The monomer unit of Rubber is highly volatile. Which is that monomer? 6) This chemist was in the forefront for initialising a movment against war..He got nobel prize for chemistry as well as for peace. 6) Indian chemist who discovered mercurous nitrate? 7) Onion on cutting will produce a chemical. This chemical on reacting with tears in eye produce an acid. This acid is responsible for the itching sensation. Which is that acid? 8) Who discoverd dynamite.? 9) If chemistry is the chief minister, organic chemistry is Home minister. Who is the father of Organic chemistry? 10) Who is the father of chemistry? Options: (Robert Boyle,Antonie Lavosier, John Dalton, Berzelius, Jabir Ibn Hayyam,)

After Death, Some Biochemistry

"After death we are all mere carbon and hydrogen".This time i am not with an interesting topic.. After death what happens to human body?These are the facts that an average human should know.. So shall we begin? When the heart stop beating and when lungs stop respirating we call it as death. Last week i read a love story and in that ,A boy kept on talking to his lover even after realising the fact he is now alone and his lover is no more.. SCIENCE SAYS ITS POSSIBLE. Because the first sense that is lost after demice is vision, then taste, then smell, then at last audibility.. In my inbox there's an sms its like this,"Mirror is the best friend, because when you cry it never laughs". Its true. I said so because, the enzymes that helped me to digest my food is my friend is'nt it? Ya , the same enzyme just after my death will start decomposing my body.What happen if heart stop beating..? The blood ,the postman of oxygen in human body becomes free.. Before death the blood was under the complete jurisdiction of heart..Now it is under the monarchy of gravity. Just like an apple's tendency to reach the ground, Blood flows to the lower half.. If the body is in a standing position blood flows from head to legs, if the body is lyed it flows from front portion to back portion. This why a person's face become pale after death.. This flow of blood is called lividity. Are you getting annoyed? lets discuss another topic. Athlets sometimes stop running when there is an intense pain in their muscles. What is the science behind this? A tired person will be having a lack of oxygen in blood. As soon as there is no oxygen in blood, muscles start anaerobic breething and as a biproduct of this rection lactic acid is formed, and then muscles become rigid. Thats why athlets feel pain. As soon as the lactic acid is removed by blood there is a relief to pain.. Now the same chemical reactions take place in a dead human body. Thats why a dead body becomes rigid. This effect is called rigor. This rigor,lividity etc will help detectives to determine the time of death,cause of death.. There are so many other tools for detective. And it include the analysis of quantity and form of food in intestine,liver temperature etc. After death what happens to my body temperature. It will fall till atmospheric temperature is reached. Liver is the only organ that resist to this fall of temperature.After 2 or 3 weeks body temperature start rising due to bacterial action.. Sorry sorry sorry, i cant describe the bacterial action on human body. Its really shocking and terrific. Our body after so many stages of bacterial decomposition will become a yellow pulp coverd by beetles,insects,flyes,( if not buried) etc. Atlast it will be skeletonised.. Lets stop discucussing after answering this question.. A dead body in water will float. Why? Its due to bacterial action. Due to the bacterial action so many gases including hydrogen sulphide evolved in body cavities is responsible for this floting.. Once one of my friends said that he hates chemistry only because of the smell of hydrogen sulphide.. Beware once every one will become hydrogen sulphide, carbon,hydrogen etc etc substance. What i am going to say is this body will once merge to the dust. Every one will die.. Holy Bible says man is nothing but soil.. Bhagvat Gheeta says, whoever cares for the body and giving no attention to soul are fools

Friday 16 December 2011

Chemistry of Celebrities

CHEMISTRY OF CELEBRITIES "Is it true that you graduated with a major in food science and chemistry? Yes, I did graduate with a major in food science and chemistry. After attending lectures in college i would head out and work for the rest of the day. At college, we did our practical sessions in laboratories that didn’t have fans and there weren’t even any chairs to sit on." This is an extract from an interview with famous(?) bollywood actress Tulip Joshi.. She is food science and chemistry graduate. Getting graduation in chemistry and getting fame from acting.. It's really funny and interesting to know the college majours of celebrities.. One thing i can assure whoever be the pair of Tulip joshi, there will be a chemistry between the actors(:-D, is'nt it?) There is still more bollywood actress' having chemistry as college majour.. Do you know that Nisha kothari or Priyanka kothari got chemistry graduation before coming to film industry.. ( is all these actress' having their delta H negative? I asked so because so many websites are saying they are hot) let's become a little bit serious.. Lets deal on some eminent, famous, talented celibrities.. First i should like to say about Nagesh kukunoor.. Nagesh Kukunoor famous actor,directer, producer etc etc etc is having a masters degree( M.Sc) in chemistry.. What about Mithun Chakraborti.? He is a national film award laurete.. He is having a graduation in chemistry,. Mithun Chakraborty was once regarded as rival of Big B. He is a gifted dancer too.. Then shall we move on to Hollywood? Ashton Kutcher a hollywood actor specialised in comedy role was a fan of biochemistry..:-) the list goes on like that.. Then friends can you extend the list? Can you share your knowledge? Is there any bollywood or hollywood actor having a physics background? Give me your feedback.. Your suggestions are most welcome

Thursday 15 December 2011

Green Green Green,,, Green Chemistry

Today i fell in love with this beutiful nature..
As usual i woke up at seven.. December morning is always charming is'nt it..?
I walked along the sides of a greenish landscape and saw the glittering of early sunlight in a dew drop .it was just like a diamond..i could see the seven colours in that dew drop (physicisit may call it as defraction or refraction ,but i like to call it as god's painting), Then as a feast to my eyes i saw a green parrot with red beaks( it was as red as a cherry) ..
Green colour is very special is'nt it friends?
Which is 'your' favourite colour? Boys might tell its red,blue or black and the girls have a tendency to say pink.. Am i right?
Anyway i am worshipper of colour green..
Those who loves nature will definitly love green colour..
I think chemists love nature than any other scientists.. Thats why they keep on conducting researches in green chemistry. Chemistry has a seperate branch for those who love nature, its green chemistry.. Is there such a branch for any other science discipline? I dont think so...
But contribution of chemistry to pollution cannot be neglected,. Many chemicals are very much toxic to this atmosphere,..
But we cant blaim chemists, it is the mis use of chemicals that leads to pollution..
It was Paul Anasthas and John warner who accelarated the growth of green chemistry...
Can you write history of english literature without saying anything about william shakespear?
I challenge you..
As is the shakespear to English literature, so are Anasthas and Warner to green chemistry..
Now can you say about any contribution of green chemistry?
I cant say about all fields under green chemistry,,( fact is i dont know more:-D) But i should like to mention one. And that is CO2 sequestration..
In this process co2 that is emitted from factories, vehicles etc are collected via physical or chemical process. Then it is dissolved in water and is then passed dissolved in bassalt rocks.. The bassalt rocks are rich in will lead to the production of calcium carbonate which are not harmful.. Good technique, na?
Chemistry have a solution for everything.. How can you save earth from pollution? Answer is green chemistry..
Friends keep on grabbing informations regarding green chemistry,colour chemistry, chemistry in service to man etc topics. They are all interesting..
Now thank you,
take care, c u again

Mad Seller of Death

Ya, who is called as mad seller of death.?
It's Alfred Nobel..
Ya but it is true.. He got that name for he was the one who discovered a safe way to store nitroglycerine.. What is the connection of nitroglycerine with death? Nitroglycerine is used widely in explosives, jelatin ,dynamite etc..
Alfred Nobel got distracted with this name.. Won't you feel irritated when others call you nick names like pumpkin head or dog face etc,. Nobel found a remedy, he used the money he got from the discovery of dynamite for awarding a prize to eminent personalities in chemistry, physics, peace, medicine..
Got the history of Nobel Prize,.
Thats good.
So always bear in mind that Alfred Nobel is a chemist, a great chemist.
And me the auther is a chemistry student of GBC