What is the function of concentrated hydrochloric acid in flame test?


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What is the function of concentrated hydrochloric acid in flame test?

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Friday 16 December 2011

Chemistry of Celebrities

CHEMISTRY OF CELEBRITIES "Is it true that you graduated with a major in food science and chemistry? Yes, I did graduate with a major in food science and chemistry. After attending lectures in college i would head out and work for the rest of the day. At college, we did our practical sessions in laboratories that didn’t have fans and there weren’t even any chairs to sit on." This is an extract from an interview with famous(?) bollywood actress Tulip Joshi.. She is food science and chemistry graduate. Getting graduation in chemistry and getting fame from acting.. It's really funny and interesting to know the college majours of celebrities.. One thing i can assure whoever be the pair of Tulip joshi, there will be a chemistry between the actors(:-D, is'nt it?) There is still more bollywood actress' having chemistry as college majour.. Do you know that Nisha kothari or Priyanka kothari got chemistry graduation before coming to film industry.. ( is all these actress' having their delta H negative? I asked so because so many websites are saying they are hot) let's become a little bit serious.. Lets deal on some eminent, famous, talented celibrities.. First i should like to say about Nagesh kukunoor.. Nagesh Kukunoor famous actor,directer, producer etc etc etc is having a masters degree( M.Sc) in chemistry.. What about Mithun Chakraborti.? He is a national film award laurete.. He is having a graduation in chemistry,. Mithun Chakraborty was once regarded as rival of Big B. He is a gifted dancer too.. Then shall we move on to Hollywood? Ashton Kutcher a hollywood actor specialised in comedy role was a fan of biochemistry..:-) the list goes on like that.. Then friends can you extend the list? Can you share your knowledge? Is there any bollywood or hollywood actor having a physics background? Give me your feedback.. Your suggestions are most welcome


  1. I think Tulip Joshi is unaware of the fact that chemistry labs are not recomended to have chairs and fans..( sitting and doing experiments is dangerous)

  2. Akshay, really a rocking article, continue your good works!

  3. Hi hi7:-) chumma time pass;-) anyway thanks
